Thursday, January 21, 2010

KayLeigh's Haircut

Last night as the kids were getting ready for bed and finishing watching their movie they started, McKayLeigh apparently found the scissors and started cutting off chunks of her hair. Ben calmly came into the office where I was checking my email one last time for the night and told me, "KayLeigh cut her hair." I immediately went and found her and asked her what happened. She said, "Nothing." But a mound of locks from her head proved her wrong. I then went and got out the haircutting stuff and started fixing it. The poor was about 9 pm and she was falling asleep during her haircut. It looks choppy, but cute and the most important thing...It will grow. It's just hair!!


Horlic said...

No worry, she looks cute with her new hair style.

Sorensen's said...

She's adorable! I can't believe how big she is. At least you could fix it. =)

Sean & Lacey said...

She looks so cute with her hair cut! You are lucky that you are so good and can fix what she had done and make it look so nice!

Cassie said...

Oh, that is one experience I hope we are able to skip. She is VERY lucky her mommy is able to fix her hair mistakes. :) She looks adorable with short hair, and I'm sure it is easier to take care of. I can't believe how much she has grown since we left...

Katrina said...

This is the first time that I saw her haircut. It turned out really cute. You're lucky you have that talent! If that happened to Kimberly, she'd have to wait until the next day or maybe the weekend to get it fixed! : )